Friday, May 22, 2009

Networking - it works if you work it

It's funny how you do something for so long that you take it fore granted. There are times I feel I was born networking, but in reality I have been formally networking for about 17 years. Recently I have become very focused in my networking activities, and I have seen the fruits of my labor. At a recent meeting I was able to do a 10 minute presentation about my company and what I do; very relaxed gathering of women business owners. Just out of that 10 minute presentation I was able to fill a seminar for the following week. What is my point?

  • Networking works if you work it,
  • Have a plan and work the plan,
  • Know what you want to accomplish at your networking event, and
  • Follow up, follow up follow up.

I went to my meeting to share my story, tell what I do through stories and then I had a tangible offer that people could say yes to. Then I sent a follow up email thanking them for allowing me to share and repeating my offer. Three people signed up for my seminar. It works!

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