While I was looking at my website statistics I was surprised to see that my hits were up 43%. As I started to dig deep to understand the source of this new found traffic, I discovered something interesting. I was receiving hits from websites that I had testimonials on. For example I gave a testimonial to Michel Neray who posted it on his website www.essentialmessage.com. Honestly, I was so excited about his workbook that I emailed him a thank you. I was surprised and glad to see he posted it and added a link to my site. Just that one act added traffic to my website.
What is my point? You are leaving opportunity on the table by not soliciting testimonials and giving testimonials. If you make it a practice to get testimonials and add it to your page with a link to their website, you will not only improve your traffic but the traffic of the person who gave you the testimonial. Likewise if you do the same for someone you are happy with, you will improve both yours and their traffic. There are many lessons, but the main one is that it pays in many ways to show gratitude.
I say go out and be grateful and then tell someone about -- post it on your website or blog!