Saturday, September 03, 2011

Letting Go Does Not Mean Giving Up!!!!

I was talking with a dear friend and fellow entrepreneurial mom. We have been taking care of each other for the last 7 years. She was sharing how she made a difficult decision to turn down an opportunity to work with a client that could have been worth $1,000 to $1,500. We talked about why she needed to make this decision and the process she used to come to the decision. Here is what I learned from her wisdom:

  • When she said no to a client that was not a good fit for her, she opened herself up to a yes from a potential client that was a good fit;
  • She felt stronger, and more assured as she made and implemented the decision which intern built a level of confidence that was amazing to see; and
  • She chose to honor herself and not sell herself for a sum of money.

With this decision she bought back a week of production, time with her family and a sense of self worth that is immeasurable. Are you selling your soul for a few dollars? I think it is easy to make decision on immediate need without thinking about the long-term ramifications. Be sure as you build your business that you do so with integrity for your self and your clients.


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