Everyone dreams of having their own business so they can have the life they have always wanted. Without a plan, the dream can turn into a nightmare. This site is for the dreamers who want to build a life not create a job.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Focus On What You Want
that have to do with business? How often do I hear people talking about those clients from @#$%. We talk about all the things we don't like about them and how they drive us crazy. What we don't realize is that when we do that we actually encourage more of those types of clients to wander into our lives.
Instead, focus on the characteristics you are looking for in a client. For example: "I want clients that are motivated, ready to take action and appreciate what I do." That sounds so much better then: "I don't want clients who are demanding, unappreciative and unmotivated." Focus on what you want and get more of what you want. Also, if there is something you want in a client, it might help if you are that way in your transactions. Remember like begets like. It's the law of nature.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Can You Hear What I Hear?
Here are some of the things those voice might be saying?
"You don't deserve to be successful."
"What makes you think you deserve that?"
"It's not polite to talk about money with a stranger."
"Don't ask questions, that is too personal."
Those are just a few. Can you see how those voices could get in the way of closing a sale? Think about what internal dialog might be going on in your head. Become aware and once you are aware you must interrupt those conversations and change the words. Instead let the noise sound something like:
"I deserve success and it comes easily to me."
"People need what I have to sell so I will ask the right questions to help my clients."
"Questions are good, they help me understand what my client wants and needs."
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I'm A Member!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Are You Replling Clients?
The other day I was working with a client. During our two hour consultation we were very productive. We covered his niche and narrowed his focus. We discussed products and services. We even developed some steps to reach them and implementation strategies. As I was wrapping up the discussion with my client he said something to the effect, but let's be careful, because I am too busy for too many clients right now. It was in that moment that I knew why his business was not growing the way he wanted. He was sending out the message to the universe that he's too busy for more work, he had more than enough work to handle.
Are you sending out the message that you are too busy to add on another project? Do you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of more business while trying to develop a marketing plan. Remember, you are not alone. It is the plight of many a harried entrepreneur.
So what is the answer? First, take a deep breath, now exhale. It's time to take a look at what is keeping you so busy. Is there any thing you can outsource? Is there anything you can add to your stop doing list? It's time to re-frame your thoughts and to say to yourself, "I have all that I need to get it done." "I am open to working with new clients." It's time to reach out, get some help and then help those who need your help!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Part of History
Planting seeds . . .
I do believe you can make a lot of money, and you can make it as quickly as you want. However, I believe it takes a lot of work, a behavioral plan of action and a great shift in your thinking.
For example: When you first start out in the career as a sales professional, you find yourself face to face with a phone and the dreaded cold call. Yet if you keep your eyes on the goal and stay focused on the task, that "behavior" is a short lived behavior. Why? Because the cold calls are little seeds you plant along the your path. Once the seed is planted you start to cultivate, fertilize and nurture those lovely seeds until one day it turns into a sale. After a while you get better at planting, you learn what fertile soil looks like and the harvest is sooner than before. But you have to plant the seeds. You have to do the behaviors.
Jim Rohn said it best: "Either get good at planting in the spring or become very good at begging in the fall."
Enjoy the harvest!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Coaching Super Summit
Everything you do in your business, document the process down to every letter and email you send. Create a file to store all this information. This will then become your SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) or your Business in a Box/File. Then assess what someone else can do more effectively both in cost and time. Let it go, delegate it and then you do what you do best. Do those things that bring out the brilliance in you and your clients. If you do this you will create a business with the lifestyle you have always wanted. You will also have a business you can sell or license later on.
More to come . . .