Thursday, September 25, 2008

Social Networking Works

I am an avid believer in Social Networking, now. Although I must admit I went kicking and screaming. Well, maybe not screaming. I am also a believe in internet tools. Let me share an example with you.

I use a tool called Google Alerts. When I want to follow a company, topic or person, I set up a Google Alert and on a daily basis I receive emails with information on the Alert if there is something to find on the Internet and in the News. Pretty simple. I believe in saving money and making money and helping my clients to do the same. I joined a company that helps me do that so I wanted to follow that company. Here's my site with the company: Lia's BigN. I set up a Google Alert to follow any stories and updates on Team National and the National Companies. Today I found the have a huge presence on the web, specifically in Social Networking. See for yourself: Team National Social Networking Presence.

So what is my point. If you take time to use the tools out there you can have a huge presence on the web and it does not have take a long time or a lot of money.

Action Step:

  • Develop a Social Networking Plan
  • Identify good sources for Networking
  • Set up a Editorial Calendar to populate the sites usually with posts
  • Then take action and make it happen.

Now just enjoy the results.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

To Niche or Not To Niche

Ah the age old question. If I niche will I lose business? If I don't niche, will I be perceived as an expert? There are not simple answers. However, I do want to clarify, or maybe even suggest backing up a step. Before you get to that question, have you asked yourself, what is it that you do better than anybody else that someone will pay you money to do for them? I know it is not the best English, but here is another way of saying it. What are you best at? And What is it you have to offer that people will pay you big money? Once you have answers for that, then start to further define who those people are, where they hang out and what they do. That is the start of a great, lucrative niche. Good luck.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Never Give Up

I was listening to a training CD the other day and heard a quote I had never heard. It was from Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was so powerful, I felt compelled to share it with you.

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you till it seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

I know I have had days when I think, "maybe I should just get a job." And then I realize, I am so close to the goal, I can almost taste it. That's when I tell myself "Don't give up! "

Jim Collins in his book Good To Great talks about the "fly wheel concept." He notes the hardest part of business is getting the momentum going just like pushing a fly wheel to get an engine started. Most people quit just before it's about to click into gear, that is when the momentum almost takes care of it self.

So keep pushing, stay focused on the goal. If you don't have a goal or a plan, contact me and we can get one together.